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Going Back To School at 40: Is It Worth It?
Going back to school is a major undertaking. 作为一名职业中期的专业人士,你可能想知道现在获得学位是否太晚了.
Don’t worry, you’re never too old to earn your degree. 对于40岁及以上的人来说,重返校园变得越来越普遍. 截至2019年,超过1.6 million adults 40 and over were enrolled in college (高等教育编年史).
If you’re thinking of joining this growing student cohort, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行希望帮助您了解获得学位的机会,并提供可以帮助您成功的建议.
7 Great Reasons To Go Back to School At 40
There are many reasons to consider going back to school in your 40s. 常见的动机包括:
- 改变职业 或者在一个新的行业工作.
- 增加工作保障 提高向上流动的能力.
- 学习新技术 and tools to help future-proof your skill set.
- 迈向管理 or leadership roles that require a degree.
- 有资格获得加薪 and improving long-term earnings potential.
- 克服就业差距 或者工作经历.
- Enjoying the sense of personal fulfillment and accomplishment that comes with earning a degree.
If any of these reasons resonate with you, going back to school is an excellent way to accomplish these goals. 让十大正规赌博平台大全排行来看看,作为一个40岁以上的职场成年人,重返大学校园,你可以为自己的成功做些什么.
回到学校? 在这个免费的FAFSA报告的帮助下,确保你最大限度地利用你的经济援助.
职业生涯 You Can Start at 40 That Make Going Back To School Worth It
If you’re looking to go back to school at 40 to change career paths, 你想要一份高薪工作, stable career with high growth prospects. 这5个职业可以获得学士学位,并为40岁以上的专业人士提供重要的机会.
市场研究分析师收集数据来帮助公司销售产品或服务. 他们收集诸如消费者人口统计、偏好、需求和购买习惯等信息. This data helps them determine potential markets, product demand and pricing for products or services.
- 工资中位数(EMSI): $65,811
- 预计增长(2031年): 19%
- 最低教育: 市场营销学士学位
Also known as management consultants, 这些专业人员通常被组织雇用,以提供提高效率的公正观点, 生产力和盈利能力. 管理分析师收集和分析公司如何运作的数据,然后提出降低成本或增加收入的建议.
- 工资中位数(EMSI): $87,651
- 预计增长(2031年): 13.8%
- 最低教育: Bachelor’s Degree in 工商管理
Training and Development Specialists
Training and development specialists help create, 为企业和组织管理和提供培训项目. 他们负责确定技能或知识差距,然后制定定制计划来提高员工绩效.
- 工资中位数(EMSI): $62,691
- 预计增长(2031年): 10.3%
- 最低教育:Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources
信息安全分析师负责监控其组织的网络是否存在安全漏洞,并在发生违规行为时进行调查. They must stay at the forefront of technology, 使用最新的软件, such as firewalls and data encryption programs, 保护敏感资料.
- 工资中位数(EMSI): $103,584
- 预计增长(2031年): 27.8%
- 最低教育:Bachelor’s Degree in 网络安全
个人理财顾问帮助客户规划短期和长期的财务目标. They assess the financial needs of individuals and families, 帮助他们做出投资决定(比如股票和债券), 税法和保险.
- 工资中位数(EMSI): $89,336
- 预计增长(2031年): 10.4%
- 最低教育: Bachelor’s Degree in 财务规划
5 Tips for Going Back to School at 40
Going back to school at 40 or older is a significant undertaking. 这与传统年龄的学生上大学也有很大不同. 以下是十大正规赌博平台大全排行给那些想要重返校园的40多岁职场人士的一些建议.
- Choose a college designed for working professionals. 作为一个40岁的学生,你的需求与18-22岁的学生的需求完全不同. 寻找专门针对工作成年人需求的学校,并有帮助他们成功的悠久历史. 例如, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行’s average student age is 34, 这有助于你周围的同事都很敬业,想要发展自己的事业. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行还提供了传统教学时间以外的资源来支持你的日程安排.
- Opt for a degree you can complete fully online. As someone over 40 returning to school, maintaining career momentum while advancing your education is key. 选择100%的在线学位课程可以让你灵活地实现这两个目标. 最好的在线学位课程仍然会提供会议和小组项目,帮助你感受到参与和联系.
- Set aside dedicated time in your schedule every week. 保持条理和有效管理时间对获得学位至关重要. Expect to spend approximately 15 hours per week on your school work. 通过选择一个有平衡学习计划的项目,你可以更容易地维持一个时间表. 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行, 课程作业均匀地分布在整个学期中,以确保你需要投入学习的时间不会有大的波动.
- Determine how you’ll finance your education. Paying tuition is a major concern for anyone completing a degree. 如果你有其他主要的经济考虑,比如养家,这就更重要了, repaying a mortgage or making car payments. Make sure you have a solid plan—whether that’s financial aid, 储蓄, loans—or a combination of the three. 找一所可以为以前的大学课程提供转学分的大学, professional credentials or work experience, which can reduce the amount of time (and cost) to graduate.
- Ask your employer about tuition reimbursement or other support. 一些雇主为返校的员工提供学费补贴或折扣. 即使你的雇主不知道,也要确保他们知道你打算攻读学位. 这份通知可以帮助他们在其他方面支持你,比如管理你的工作时间表.
- Develop a support system that always has your back. 回到学校并不容易. 然而, 在朋友的支持下, 家庭, 同事和同学, 你会发现保持动力和完成学业要容易得多.
Choose a School Designed For Busy, Working Adults
十大正规赌博平台大全排行是一种理想 school for professionals who are 40 or olde想要拿到学位的人. 115年来,十大正规赌博平台大全排行一直是为雄心勃勃、目标明确的成年人提供高等教育的先驱.
从方便, online classes to extensive student-centered services, every aspect of the Franklin experience is designed with you, your schedule and finishing your degree in mind. 您将被志同道合的同行和具有深入现实世界经验的教师所包围, creating a 360-degree learning environment that helps you 个人成长 和专业.
看看十大正规赌博平台大全排行将支持你获得学位的所有方式 发展你的事业.